1 About this document

This document notes any general and site-specific exclusions or changes of values together with the rationale for doing so (for instance, changes due to a typo or mistranslation that was noticed and corrected for the script deployed at a particular site).

These changes are implemented as specific filters, but affect only a small proportion of the overall participants. The changes are recorded at each step and are reported at the end of this document.

2 Overall exclusion criteria that may not be noted elsewhere

2.1 Exclude responses that were incomplete.

2.1.1 Explanation

  • Cases will be removed by applying a filter which selects only cases for which Finished == 1 is true, where Finished is a variable present in each raw data set.

2.1.2 Implementation

The function get.CSVdata(... , finishedOnly = TRUE) merges each raw data file (comma seperated files available here) into a data file per slate. It removes any incomplete cases as described above if finishedOnly = TRUE.

# MERGE RAW DATA ----------------------------------------------------------
ignore.case <- function(pat){tolower(pat)}
# Set the working directory to where the raw data files are...
dataDir  <-  '~/Documents/GitHub/ManyLabs2/Data/Raw to clean data/Raw Data'
fileList <- list.files(dataDir,".csv")

# Merge Slate 1 & remove incomplete cases
ML2.files.S1 <- fileList[grepl("Slate[_]*1", fileList)]
names(ML2.files.S1) <- ML2.files.S1
ML2.S1 <- tbl_df(ldply(.data = ML2.files.S1, .fun = get.CSVdata, path = dataDir, .inform = TRUE))

# Merge Slate 2 & remove incomplete cases
ML2.files.S2 <- fileList[grepl("Slate[_]*2", fileList)]
names(ML2.files.S2) <- ML2.files.S2
ML2.S2 <- tbl_df(ldply(.data = ML2.files.S2, .fun = get.CSVdata, path = dataDir, .inform = TRUE))

# Change the different date formtas to %Y=%m-%d
tmp     <- unlist(strsplit(c(ML2.S1$StartDate),"\\s"))
datemix <- tmp[seq(1,length(tmp),by=2)]
ML2.S1$StartDate <- gsub("-","/",datemix)
formats <- unique(ldply(unique(ML2.S1$StartDate),guess_datetime_format))
ML2.S1$StartDate  <- lubridate::parse_date_time(as.character(ML2.S1$StartDate), orders=gsub("e","a",formats$V1))

tmp     <- unlist(strsplit(c(ML2.S2$StartDate),"\\s"))
datemix <- tmp[seq(1,length(tmp),by=2)]
ML2.S2$StartDate <- gsub("-","/",datemix)
formats <- unique(ldply(unique(ML2.S2$StartDate),guess_datetime_format))
ML2.S2$StartDate  <- lubridate::parse_date_time(as.character(ML2.S2$StartDate), orders=gsub("e","a",formats$V1))

tmp     <- unlist(strsplit(c(ML2.S1$EndDate),"\\s"))
datemix <- tmp[seq(1,length(tmp),by=2)]
ML2.S1$EndDate <- gsub("-","/",datemix)
formats <- unique(ldply(unique(ML2.S1$EndDate),guess_datetime_format))
ML2.S1$EndDate  <- lubridate::parse_date_time(as.character(ML2.S1$EndDate), orders=gsub("e","a",formats$V1))

tmp     <- unlist(strsplit(c(ML2.S2$EndDate),"\\s"))
datemix <- tmp[seq(1,length(tmp),by=2)]
ML2.S2$EndDate <- gsub("-","/",datemix)
formats <- unique(ldply(unique(ML2.S2$EndDate),guess_datetime_format))
ML2.S2$EndDate  <- lubridate::parse_date_time(as.character(ML2.S2$EndDate), orders=gsub("e","a",formats$V1))

# Start counting cases and labels at each processing step

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Merged complete cases (Finished == 1)"))

2.2 Exclude response -99.

2.2.1 Explanation

Values of ‘-99’ should be ignored, they indicate some form of “do not wish to respond” or “not applicable” or “other”.

2.2.2 Implementation

  • These values will be set to NA

2.3 Exclude test run.

2.3.1 Explanation

Test runs at sites are identified by the word test entered into one of the text fields and a list of known test runs by ResponseID.

2.3.2 Implementation

  • These cases will be marked for removal by setting variable Finished to 0
  • Cases will be removed by applying a filter which selects only cases that have the value Finished== 1

The function clean.ML2fieldsNA() will perform the changes and report wether values were found.

# Remove any test trials and '-99'
ML2.S1 <- clean.ML2fieldsNA(ML2.S1)

    ~~~~~~Clean ML2 Test Data - Step 1~~~~~~~
    # Marking known test sessions for removal
    ~~~~Clean ML2 Test Data - Step 2~~~~
    # Checking columns:
         age #       
    sex #    
    hometown #       
    education #      
    comments #       
    raceother #      
    cogref.1 #       
    cogref.2 #       
    cogref.3 #       
    crit1.1_1_TEXT #     
    crit1.1_2_TEXT #     
    crit1.1_3_TEXT #     
    ross.s1.1_1_TEXT #       
    ross.s1.1_2_TEXT #       
    kay1.1 #     
    kay1.2_7_TEXT #      
    kay1.2_8_TEXT #      
    kay1.2_9_TEXT #      
    kay1.3 #     
    kay2.1 #     
    kay2.2_7_TEXT #      
    kay2.2_8_TEXT #      
    kay2.2_9_TEXT #      
    kay2.3 #     
    and1.1 #     
    and2.1 #     
    #  for a variant of pattern: 'test'
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clean Test ML2 Data - Step 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Checking all columns except "LocationLongitude" for pattern: "-99"
    # Done!
ML2.S2 <- clean.ML2fieldsNA(ML2.S2, S1 = FALSE)

    ~~~~~~Clean ML2 Test Data - Step 1~~~~~~~
    # Marking known test sessions for removal
    ~~~~Clean ML2 Test Data - Step 2~~~~
    # Checking columns:
         age #       
    sex #    
    hometown #       
    education #      
    comments #       
    raceother #      
    cogref.1 #       
    cogref.2 #       
    cogref.3 #       
    ross.s2.1_1_TEXT #       
    ross.s2.1_2_TEXT #       
    sava1.2 #    
    sava1.3 #    
    sava1.7 #    
    sava1.8 #    
    sava1.12 #       
    sava1.13 #       
    sava1.18 #       
    sava1.19 #       
    sava1.24 #       
    sava1.25 #       
    sava1.30 #       
    sava1.31 #       
    sava1.36 #       
    sava1.37 #       
    sava1.41 #       
    sava1.42 #       
    sava2.2 #    
    sava2.3 #    
    sava2.7 #    
    sava2.8 #    
    sava2.12 #       
    sava2.13 #       
    sava2.18 #       
    sava2.19 #       
    sava2.24 #       
    sava2.25 #       
    sava2.30 #       
    sava2.31 #       
    sava2.36 #       
    sava2.37 #       
    sava2.41 #       
    sava2.42 #       
    zhon1.1 #    
    zhon2.1 #    
    zav.int.1 #      
    zav1.1 #     
    zav1.2 #     
    zav1.3 #     
    zav1.4 #     
    zav1.5 #     
    zav1.6 #     
    zav1.7 #     
    zav1.8 #     
    zav1.9 #     
    zav1.10 #    
    zav1.11 #    
    zav1.12 #    
    zav1.13 #    
    zav2.1 #     
    zav2.2 #     
    zav2.3 #     
    zav2.4 #     
    zav2.5 #     
    zav2.6 #     
    zav2.7 #     
    zav2.8 #     
    zav2.9 #     
    zav2.10 #    
    zav2.11 #    
    zav2.12 #    
    zav2.13 #    
    #  for a variant of pattern: 'test'
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clean Test ML2 Data - Step 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Checking all columns except "LocationLongitude" for pattern: "-99"
    # Done!

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Removed test and -99"))

3 Changes to the source variable that identifies the location of data collection

The changes to sourcelabels are conducted by the function clean.Source(), which reads information from a Google Sheet which is a simple lookup table listing all the observed variations of source labels (e.g., due to character encoding or typo’s) and the accompanying correct version of the label.

# Clean Source labels
ML2.S1$source <- clean.Source(ML2.S1$source, SourceTable)$source.clean
ML2.S2$source <- clean.Source(ML2.S2$source, SourceTable)$source.clean

CaseCount("3.1 Cleaned Source labels (first)")

The resulting source labels are compared to a lookup table which lists the R code that should be run to implement the site specific changes.

# Apply additional source rules
ML2.S1$source <- as.character(ML2.S1$source)
ML2.S2$source <- as.character(ML2.S2$source)

for (f in seq_along(FileNameTable$File.name))
    if (FileNameTable$Change.Source.ID[[f]] != "")
        ID <- eval(parse(text = paste(FileNameTable$Change.Source.ID[[f]])))
        eval(parse(text = paste(FileNameTable$Change.Source[[f]])))

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Cleaned Source labels (second)"))

What follows is a listing of the changes along with the rationale (the R code provides the results).

3.1 Change source = grazvienna.

If the data comes from any of the following files source should be grazvienna

  • Slate_1_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2__Kopieren_teamb_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text.csv
  • Slate_1_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2__Kopieren_teamc_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text.csv
  • Slate_1_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2_fady_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text.csv
  • Slate_1_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text.csv
  • Slate_2_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2__Kopieren_practikum_r.csv
  • Slate_2_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2__Kopieren_teame_r.csv
  • Slate_2_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2_r.csv

3.1.1 Explanation

The source identifier was omitted from the links to these surveys, but only one site used these survey versions so we can be certain all data in them comes from there.

3.1.2 Implementation

# ID = 76-84 (Example = 76)
[1] "(ML2.S1$.id=='Slate_1_Deutsch__Austria_Revised_Version_2__Kopieren_teamb_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text.csv')"
[1] "ML2.S1$source[ID] <- 'grazvienna'"

3.2 Change source = cas.

  • If data comes from file: ML2_Slate2_Simplified_Chinese_Mainland_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv
  • AND the date is between December 8th, 2014 and Dec 18th, 2014.

3.2.1 Explanation

The source identifier was omitted from the link for slate 2 from the “cas” site, but they were the only team running that survey during this time period so we can be sure all data between those dates comes from that site.

3.2.2 Implementation

# ID = 56
[1] "(ML2.S2$.id == 'ML2_Slate2_Simplified_Chinese_Mainland_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv') & (strptime(ML2.S2$EndDate, '%Y-%m-%d') > strptime('2014-12-08', '%Y-%m-%d')) & (strptime(ML2.S2$EndDate, '%Y-%m-%d') < strptime('2014-12-14', '%Y-%m-%d'))"
[1] "ML2.S2$source[ID] <- 'cas'"

3.3 Change source = moralsense.

  • If data comes from this file: ML2_Slate2_USEng_Inlab_DEPLOY_nunziato_r.csv

3.3.1 Explanation

The source identifier was omitted from the link, but this was a custom link for the Moral Sense website so we know all data comes from that sample.

3.3.2 Implementation

# ID = 73
[1] "(ML2.S2$.id=='ML2_Slate2_USEng_Inlab_DEPLOY_nunziato_r.csv')"
[1] "ML2.S2$source[ID] <- 'moralsense'"

3.4 Change source = occid.

If source = occid OR occidtab, then recode source variable as follows:

  • If meta_4_TEXT = 1280x720, source = occidtab.
  • If meta_4_TEXT = , source = occid.

3.4.1 Explanation

Site ran both tablet and PC sessions. Usually, these are identified by using different links for each device, but in this case the links were mixed up. Instead, we determine whether the participant used a tablet or PC based on the resolution used (all tablet sessions were run in 1280x720 resolution, whereas PC sessions varied between other values).

3.4.2 Implementation

# ID = 34
[1] "(ML2.S1$.id=='ML2_Slate1_UAEEng_Inlab_execution_legal_r.csv')&(ML2.S1$source=='occid'|ML2.S1$source=='occidtab')"
[1] "ifelse(ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT[ID]=='MSIE',ML2.S1$source[ID&ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT=='MSIE']<-'occidtab',ML2.S1$source[ID&ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT=='Chrome']<-'occid')"

3.5 Change source = elte.

If data file = ML2_Slate1_Hungarian_Inlab_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_r.csv, recode source variable as follows:

  • If meta_1_TEXT = ‘MSIE’, source = eltetab.
  • If meta_1_TEXT = ‘Chrome’, source = elte.

3.5.1 Explanation

Site ran both tablet and PC sessions. Usually, these are identified by using different links for each device, but in this case the source identifier was sometimes omitted. Instead, we determine whether the participant used a tablet or PC based on the browser used (all tablet sessions were run with Microsoft Internet Explorer; all PC sessions were run with Google Chrome).

3.5.2 Implementation

# ID = 16
[1] "(ML2.S1$.id=='ML2_Slate1_Hungarian_Inlab_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_r.csv')"
[1] "ifelse(ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT[ID]=='MSIE',ML2.S1$source[ID&ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT=='MSIE']<-'eltetab',ML2.S1$source[ID&ML2.S1$meta_1_TEXT=='Chrome']<-'elte')"

3.6 Change source = mturk.

  • If data file: `ML2_Slate1_USEng_mTurk_JC_r.csc or ML2_Slate2_USEng_mTurk_JC_r.csv

3.6.1 Explanation

These data for Slate 1 and Slate 2 were collected on MTurk for US participants using a unique link (e.g., no other sites used it). The link was distributed without a built in source identifier.

3.6.2 Implementation

# ID = 38 & 75 (Example = 38)
[1] "(ML2.S1$.id=='ML2_Slate1_USEng_mTurk_JC_r.csv')"
[1] "ML2.S1$source[ID] <- 'mturk'"

3.7 Change source = mturk_india.

  • If data file = ML2_Slate2_IndiaEng_MTurk_r.csv or ML2_Slate1_IndiaEng_execution_legal_MTurk_r.csv

3.7.1 Explanation

These data for Slate 1 and Slate 2 were collected on MTurk for Indian participants using a unique link (e.g., no other sites used it). The link was distributed without a built in source identifier.

3.7.2 Implementation

# ID = 17 & 48 (Example = 17)
[1] "(ML2.S1$.id=='ML2_Slate1_IndiaEng_execution_legal_MTurk_r.csv')"
[1] "ML2.S1$source[ID] <- 'mturk_india'"

3.8 Change source = metu.

  • If originating file (.id) = ML2_Slate2_Turkish_online_DEPLOY__metu_rmanuallyrenamerosss21_text.csv then source = metu

3.8.1 Explanation

Some sessions did not record the source variable for the “metu” site. We can just re-assign the source variable given that only one site used this study link.

3.8.2 Implementation

# ID = 64
[1] "(ML2.S2$.id=='ML2_Slate2_Turkish_online_DEPLOY__metu_rmanuallyrenamerosss21_text.csv')"
[1] "ML2.S2$source[ID] <- 'metu'"

4 Site specific information

Site specific information is added to the cases based on a match between the value of source and the information in ML2_SourceInfo.

# Add site variables: Language, Population, etc.
ML2.S1 <- get.fieldAdd(ML2.S1, SourceInfoTable)
ML2.S2 <- get.fieldAdd(ML2.S2, SourceInfoTable)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Add site variables"))

5 Site specific exclusions

5.1 Exclusion: All data from source = rio.

  • All data should be excluded from all analyses (exploratory or otherwise – could effectively remove from dataset if desired; N = 10).

5.1.1 Explanation

This location ran a total N = 10 due to lack of participants, and we’ve determined it was best to exclude this sample entirely, rather than having figures etc. distracted by such a low-powered test.

5.1.2 Implementation

ML2.S1 <- ML2.S1 %>% filter(source!='rio')

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". rio"))

5.2 Exclusion: Dutch translation of Van Lange.

Data from the following files should be excluded from the Van Lange analysis (all other studies unaffected):

  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__belgium_r.csv
  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__netherlands_r.csv
  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__netherlands_tilburgcomm_r.csv

5.2.1 Explanation

The second row from the SVO scale (variables starting with van.p1.2) was accidentally omitted during translation, leaving only 5 of the 6 items that belong on this scale. The data are recoded to reflect the missing row (2). Affects Dutch Slate 1 surveys.

5.2.2 Implentation:

All values will be set to NA.

ML2.S1[(ML2.S1$.id %in% c('ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__belgium_r.csv',
         'van.p1.2_5','van.p1.2_6','van.p2.1_1_TEXT','van.p2.1_2_TEXT')] <- rep(NA,8)

5.3 Exclusion: Chinese date.

  • Data collected prior to December 9th, 2014 from file ML2_Slate2_Simplified_Chinese_Mainland_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv should be excluded from the Slate 2 Ross analysis.

5.3.1 Explanation

On Dec 8th, 2014 12:50pm EST we found and corrected a substantial typo in the Ross Slate 2 text.

5.3.2 Implementation

idRows <- which(
    (ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_Simplified_Chinese_Mainland_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv") & 
    (strptime(ML2.S2$EndDate, "%m/%d/%Y") < strptime("12/9/2014", "%m/%d/%Y"))

idCols <- which(grepl("ross.s2", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Chinese date"))

5.4 Exclusion: Dutch date.

  • Data from file: ML2_Slate2_Dutch_Inlab_DEPLOY__netherlands_r.csv collected before November 18th, 2014 should be excluded from *Hsee() analysis

5.4.1 Explanation

Corrected a typo in the scarf condition that mistakenly referred to “coat”.

5.4.2 Implementation

idRows <- which( 
    (ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_Dutch_Inlab_DEPLOY__netherlands_r.csv") & 
    (strptime(ML2.S2$EndDate,"%Y-%m-%d") < strptime("2014-11-18", "%Y-%m-%d"))

idCols <- which(grepl("hsee", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Dutch date - Hsee"))

5.5 Exclusion: Uruguay date

  • Exclude data from file: ML2_Slate1_Spanish_execution_illegal__Uruguay_r.csv collected before November 13th, 2014 from all Huang analyses.

5.5.1 Explanation

The map graphic was incorrectly implemented and had to be fixed so the coordinates recorded were consistent with measurement at other sites.

5.5.2 Implementation

idRows <- which(
    (ML2.S1$.id == "ML2_Slate1_Spanish_execution_illegal__Uruguay_r.csv") &
    (strptime(ML2.S1$EndDate,"%Y-%m-%d") < strptime("2014-11-13","%Y-%m-%d"))

idCols <- which(grepl("huan", colnames(ML2.S1)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S1[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,".. Uruguay date - Huan"))

5.6 Exclusion: French date.

  • Exclude participants from datafile = ML2_Slate1_French_Inlab_execution_illegal_pencilpaper_r.csv run before November 23rd, 2014 from the Miyamoto analysis.

5.6.1 Explanation

Nov 22, 2014 7:45pm EST changed miyamoto 2.6 from “Sélectionnez le point sur l’échelle suivante qui représente le mieux l’attitude de l’étudiant standard dans votre université.” to “Sélectionnez le point sur l’échelle suivante qui représente le mieux l’attitude de l’étudiant standard dans une université française.” (“votre université” to “une université française”). Miya1.6 already read “une université française”.

5.6.2 Implementation

idRows <- which( 
    (ML2.S1$.id == "ML2_Slate1_French_Inlab_execution_illegal_pencilpaper_r.csv") &
    (strptime(ML2.S1$EndDate,"%Y-%m-%d") < strptime("2014-11-23","%Y-%m-%d"))

idCols <- which(grepl("huan", colnames(ML2.S1)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S1[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". French date - Huan"))

5.7 Exclusion: Mturk USA duplicates.

Exclude participants from source = “mturk” if not.mturk.duplicate DOES NOT EQUAL “1” or ip.location DOES NOT EQUAL “USA”. (note: this will have to be incorporated after merging the additional mturk data noted below, and adding the mturk “source” identifier noted above).

5.7.1 Explanation

Ensures participants from the mturk sample took the study only once and are from the USA as desired from this sample.

5.7.2 Implementation

Get variables from four files (provided privately and not uploaded to OSF due to identifying information). They contain the ID numbers of which it is certain the experiment was completed only once.

# Get the IDs that should remain in the data set.
ML2.S1add <- tbl_df(ldply(.data = files.S1, .fun = read.csv, stringsAsFactors = F, .inform = T))
ML2.S2add <- tbl_df(ldply(.data = files.S2, .fun = read.csv, stringsAsFactors = F, .inform = T))

idS1.USA <- (ML2.S1$source == "mturk")
idS2.USA <- (ML2.S2$source == "mturk")

idS1.USA.ip <- ML2.S1add$V1[grepl("USA",ML2.S1add$ip.location)]
idS2.USA.ip <- ML2.S2add$V1[grepl("USA",ML2.S2add$ip.location)]

# Find the cases that should be removed
idS1.USA.remove <- idS1.USA.ip[!(idS1.USA.ip %in% ML2.S1$ResponseID[idS1.USA])]
idS2.USA.remove <- idS2.USA.ip[!(idS2.USA.ip %in% ML2.S2$ResponseID[idS2.USA])]

# Remove them using a filter
ML2.S1 <- filter(ML2.S1, !(ML2.S1$ResponseID %in% idS1.USA.remove))
ML2.S2 <- filter(ML2.S2, !(ML2.S2$ResponseID %in% idS2.USA.remove))

# Clean up
rm(idS1.USA, idS1.USA.ip, idS1.USA.remove, idS2.USA, idS2.USA.ip, idS2.USA.remove)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Filter mturk doubles"))

5.8 Exclusion: Mturk India duplicates.

  • Exclude participants from source = “mturk_india” if not.mturk.duplicate DOES NOT EQUAL “1” or ip.location DOES NOT EQUAL “India”. (note: this will have to be incorporated after merging the additional mturk data noted below, and adding the mturk “source” identifier noted above).

5.8.1 Explanation

Ensures participants from the mturk sample took the study only once and are from India as desired from this sample.

5.8.2 Implementation

# Get the IDs that should remain in the data set.
idS1.India <- (ML2.S1$source == "mturk_india")
idS2.India <- (ML2.S2$source == "mturk_india")

idS1.India.ip <- ML2.S1add$V1[grepl("India",ML2.S1add$ip.location)]
idS2.India.ip <- ML2.S2add$V1[grepl("India",ML2.S2add$ip.location)]

# Find the cases that should be removed
idS1.India.remove <- ML2.S1add$V1[!(idS1.India.ip %in% ML2.S1$ResponseID[idS1.India])]
idS2.India.remove <- ML2.S2add$V1[!(idS2.India.ip %in% ML2.S2$ResponseID[idS2.India])]

# Remove them using a filter
ML2.S1 <- filter(ML2.S1, !(ML2.S1$ResponseID %in% idS1.India.remove))
ML2.S2 <- filter(ML2.S2, !(ML2.S2$ResponseID %in% idS2.India.remove))

# Clean up
rm(idS1.India,idS1.India.ip,idS1.India.remove, idS2.India,idS2.India.ip,idS2.India.remove)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,".Filter mturk_india doubles"))

5.9 Exclusion: Polish language Zhong study.

  • Exclude participants from source = “ML2_Slate2_Polish_r.csv”

5.9.1 Explanation

Participants received only the unethical condition and should be removed from analyses of the Zhong study.

5.9.2 Implementation

idRows <- which(ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_Polish_r.csv")
idCols <- which(grepl("zhon", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Polish cases from Zhong"))

6 Other required changes

6.1 Change: Update ID.

The following subjects need their Critcher IDs updated. This can be done as follows: (note two variables are involved: “crit1.1_3_TEXT” and “crit2.1_3_TEXT”)

6.1.1 Explanation

During testing the critcher IDs manually assigned to participants were incorrectly assigned for a short period, and then corrected. Site leads provided us with experimenter logs to fix the incorrectly assigned IDs, so that those in the final dataset will now be accurate. (this has no influence on the analysis but keeps the record attaching virtual response -> paper response accurate).

6.1.2 Implementation

ML2.S1$crit1.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_0oGc2yQ69dymYlL"] <- NA
ML2.S1$crit1.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_1OhWV1L4oLq5UfH"] <- 47
ML2.S1$crit1.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_5jcGioO8p9AQyVL"] <- 48
ML2.S1$crit1.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_8qRkSy8mRv0AI9D"] <- 49

ML2.S1$crit2.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_4VkDXwWIuU06qvb"] <- 44
ML2.S1$crit2.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_2sGKxwShGfG2tpj"] <- 45
ML2.S1$crit2.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_55b6oFggrMj1nNz"] <- 46
ML2.S1$crit2.1_3_TEXT[ML2.S1$ResponseID == "R_1ALpdSyxBcmNwMd"] <- 50

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". IDs"))

6.2 Change: Eindhoventab.

  • If source = (eindhoven OR eindhoventab) & meta_4_TEXT = 1366x768, then source = eindhoventab.
  • If source = (eindhoven OR eindhoventab) & meta_4_TEXT ≠ (NOT equal) 1366x768, then source = eindhoven.

6.2.1 Explanation

The Eindhoven site ran participants on both tablet and PC, but must have mixed up the links so that participants were essentially randomly assigned either “eindhoven” or “eindhoventab” as a source identifier, even though the latter should be reserved for only tablet sessions. To correctly identify, we can sort out the tablet sessions because they were the only ones run at 1366x768 resolution.

6.2.2 Implementation

idS1 <- which(ML2.S1$source == "eindhoven" | ML2.S1$source == "eindhoventab")
idS2 <- which(ML2.S2$source == "eindhoven" | ML2.S2$source == "eindhoventab")

ML2.S1$source[idS1][ML2.S1$meta_4_TEXT[idS1] == "1366x768"] <- "eindhoventab"
ML2.S1$source[idS1][ML2.S1$meta_4_TEXT[idS1] != "1366x768"] <- "eindhoven"

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". eindhoventab"))

6.3 Change: Occidtab.

6.3.1 Explanation

  • If source = (occid OR occidtab) & meta_4_TEXT = 1280x720, then source = occidtab.
  • If source = (occid OR occidtab) & meta_4_TEXT ≠ (NOT equal) 1280x720, then source = occid.

6.3.2 Implementation

idS1 <- which(ML2.S1$source == "occid" | ML2.S1$source == "occidtab")
idS2 <- which(ML2.S2$source == "occid" | ML2.S2$source == "occidtab")

ML2.S1$source[idS1][ML2.S1$meta_4_TEXT[idS1] == "1280x720"] <- "occidtab"
ML2.S1$source[idS1][ML2.S1$meta_4_TEXT[idS1] != "1280x720"] <- "occid"

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". occidtab"))

6.4 Exclusion: Small N.

6.4.1 Explanation

These cases contain individual testruns or have small N

6.4.2 Implementation

ML2.S1 <- filter(ML2.S1, ML2.S1$source != "lund")
ML2.S1 <- filter(ML2.S1, !(ML2.S1$.id == "ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__netherlands_r.csv" & ML2.S1$source == "tilburgcomm"))

ML2.S2 <- filter(ML2.S2, ML2.S2$source != "avans")
ML2.S2 <- filter(ML2.S2, !(ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_SpanishCosta_Rica_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv" & ML2.S2$source == "puc"))
ML2.S2 <- filter(ML2.S2, !(ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_USEng_Inlab_DEPLOY_r.csv" & ML2.S2$source == "queensland2"))

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Small N"))

6.5 Exclusion: Empty source labels

6.5.1 Explanation

Filter out cases that have no source label.

6.5.2 Implementation

# Get source file of empty labels
emptyS1 <- as.data.frame(table(ML2.S1$.id[ML2.S1$source == ""]))
emptyS2 <- as.data.frame(table(ML2.S2$.id[ML2.S2$source == ""]))

# Remove source fields that still remain empty
ML2.S1 <- ML2.S1 %>% filter(nchar(source) != 0)
ML2.S2 <- ML2.S2 %>% filter(nchar(source) != 0)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Remove empty source labels"))

7 Study-specific changes

7.1 Exlusion: NA on conversion from text to numeric.

Some studies required a numeric response that was input via the keyboard as text.

7.1.1 van.Lange.1 Explanation

The number of siblings entered for the van Lange study has to be converted to an (arabic) number. A few cases remain for which this is not possible, these will be set to NA. Implementation

# Find text which turns to NA on `as.numeric`

# Older siblings
id1    <- is.na(as.numeric(ML2.S1$van.p2.1_1_TEXT))
       Var1 Freq
1             50
2         -    4
3        0    4
4       0人    5
5        1    5
6       1/2    1
7        1`    1
8        1t    1
9      1人    3
10      1位    2
11  1位姊姊    1
12      1個    1
13       2    2
14      2人    2
15      2位    1
16  3 brata    1
17    hayır    1
18    jedan    1
19       no    2
20     none   11
21     None    1
22        O    1
23      one    1
24      Yok    1
25   いない    1
26     一位    1
27 一位姐姐    2
28     很多    1
29       无    1
30       没    1
31     没有    3
32       無    3

# Younger siblings
id2    <- is.na(as.numeric(ML2.S1$van.p2.1_2_TEXT))
               Var1 Freq
1                     64
2                 -    4
3                 .    1
4                `0    1
5                |0    1
6                0   10
7               0人    4
8              0人    1
9               0位    1
10              0個    1
11               1    1
12       1 deceased    1
13               1t    1
14              1人    1
15          2 brata    1
16              2人    2
17              2個    1
18               3    1
19             four    1
20            hayır    1
21             Jag     1
22          nijedan    1
23               no    1
24             none    4
25                o    1
26              one    3
27                P    1
28              two    1
29              yes    1
30              Yok    1
31           いない    2
32             一个    1
33         一个弟弟    1
34 一个弟弟一个妹妹    1
35             一位    2
36             很多    1
37               无    3
38             沒有    2
39             没有    1

# Change values
sibs1 <- gsub("([[:space:]])*","",ML2.S1$van.p2.1_1_TEXT)
sibs1 <- gsub("([Nn]one)|(no)|(geen)|([oO00])","0",sibs1)
sibs1 <- gsub("[(one)1 1]","1",sibs1)
sibs1 <- gsub("(2)","2",sibs1)
id1    <- is.na(as.numeric(sibs1))

# These will be set to NA by calling as.numeric()
       Var1 Freq
1             50
2         -    4
3       0人    5
4       1/2    1
5        1`    1
6        1t    1
7      1人    3
8       1位    2
9   1位姊姊    1
10      1個    1
11      2人    2
12      2位    1
13  3 brata    1
14    hayır    1
15    jedan    1
16      Yok    1
17   いない    1
18     一位    1
19 一位姐姐    2
20     很多    1
21       无    1
22       没    1
23     没有    3
24       無    3
ML2.S1$van.p2.1_1_TEXT <- as.numeric(sibs1)

# Change values
sibs2 <- gsub("([[:space:]])*","",ML2.S1$van.p2.1_2_TEXT)
sibs2 <- gsub("([Nn]one)|(no)|(geen)|([oO00])","0",sibs2)
sibs2 <- gsub("[(one)1 1(1 deceased)]","1",sibs2)
sibs2 <- gsub("[(two)2(2 brata)]","2",sibs2)
sibs2 <- gsub("(3)","3",sibs2)
sibs2 <- gsub("[(four)]","4",sibs2)
id2    <- is.na(as.numeric(sibs2))

# These will be set to NA by calling as.numeric()
               Var1 Freq
1                     64
2                 -    4
3                 .    1
4                `0    1
5                |0    1
6               0人    4
7              0人    1
8               0位    1
9               0個    1
10              1人    1
11              2人    2
12              2個    1
13            hayır    1
14             Jag     1
15          nijedan    1
16                P    1
17              yes    1
18              Yok    1
19           いない    2
20             一个    1
21         一个弟弟    1
22 一个弟弟一个妹妹    1
23             一位    2
24             很多    1
25               无    3
26             沒有    2
27             没有    1
ML2.S1$van.p2.1_2_TEXT <- as.numeric(sibs2)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". van.Lange.1 numbers as text."))

7.1.2 Ross.1 and Ross.2. Explanation

The percentage entered for the Ross studies has to be converted to an (arabic) number. A few cases remain for which this is not possible, these will be set to NA. Implementation

# Convert to decimal point and remove % sign.
ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT <- gsub("[.,]",".", ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT,perl = TRUE)
ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT <- gsub("([%%]|['`]|(percent)|(procent)|\\s)*","", ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT,perl = TRUE)

id1 <- is.na(as.numeric(ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT))|(!between(as.numeric(ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT),0,100))
        Var1 Freq
1              51
2       15    1
3        150    1
4       30    2
5       40    1
6       50    3
7     95-100    1
8  cinquante    1
9       fele    1
10      nose    1
11         t    1

# Change ross1
ross1 <- gsub("[11]","1", ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT)
ross1 <- gsub("[33]","3", ross1)
ross1 <- gsub("[4]","4", ross1)
ross1 <- gsub("[5]","5", ross1)
ross1 <- gsub("([oO00])","0", ross1)

# These willl be set to NA by calling as.numeric()
id1    <- is.na(as.numeric(ross1))|(!between(as.numeric(ross1),0,100))
       Var1 Freq
1             51
2       150    1
3    95-100    1
4 cinquante    1
5      fele    1
6      nose    1
7         t    1
ML2.S1$ross.s1.1_1_TEXT <- as.numeric(ross1)

# Change ross2
ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT <- gsub("[.,]",".", ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT,perl = TRUE)
ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT <- gsub("([%%]|['`]|(percent)|(procent)|\\s)*","", ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT,perl = TRUE)

id2    <- is.na(as.numeric(ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT))|(!between(as.numeric(ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT),0,100))
                           Var1 Freq
1                                176
2                             -    1
3                        100    1
4                          1000    5
5                           105    1
6                          1200    5
7                        120000    1
8                          1250    1
9                         13000    1
10                       130000    2
11                      1300000    1
12                          137    1
13                         1500    5
14               15000shillings    1
15                          155    1
16                    15percent    1
17                          185    1
18                         2000    1
19                      2000ths    1
20                          250    1
21                          300    1
22                          420    1
23                         50/0    1
24                          500    1
25                         5000    2
26                       555550    1
27                          610    1
28                          700    1
29                          850    1
30                         90    1
31             99,不看国家吗?    1
32                          all    1
33                         bsbd    1
34                        dunno    1
35                   finebymail    1
36                    idontknow    1
37                   loremipsum    1
38 Mislimdanikonebiplatiokaznu.    1
39                          n/a    1
40                      niewiem    1
41                           no    2
42                       noidea    1
43                          non    1
44                         okay    1
45                      pay1500    1
46                        super    1
47                        Todos    1
48                      vsichni    1
49                      všichni    1
50                         yeah    1
51                          yes    3
52                  Yourchances    1

ross2 <- gsub("[11]","1", ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT)
ross2 <- gsub("[33]","3", ross2)
ross2 <- gsub("[4]","4", ross2)
ross2 <- gsub("[5]","5", ross2)
ross2 <- gsub("([oO00])","0", ross2)
ross2 <- gsub("([9])","9", ross2)

# These willl be set to NA by calling as.numeric()
id2    <- is.na(as.numeric(ross2))|(!between(as.numeric(ross2),0,100))
                           Var1 Freq
1                                176
2                             -    1
3                          1000    5
4                           105    1
5                          1200    5
6                        120000    1
7                          1250    1
8                         13000    1
9                        130000    2
10                      1300000    1
11                          137    1
12                         1500    5
13               15000shillings    1
14                          155    1
15                    15percent    1
16                          185    1
17                         2000    1
18                      2000ths    1
19                          250    1
20                          300    1
21                          420    1
22                         50/0    1
23                          500    1
24                         5000    2
25                       555550    1
26                          610    1
27                          700    1
28                          850    1
29             99,不看国家吗?    1
30                          all    1
31                         bsbd    1
32                        dunno    1
33                   finebymail    1
34                    idontknow    1
35                   loremipsum    1
36 Mislimdanikonebiplatiokaznu.    1
37                          n/a    1
38                      niewiem    1
39                           no    2
40                       noidea    1
41                          non    1
42                         okay    1
43                      pay1500    1
44                        super    1
45                        Todos    1
46                      vsichni    1
47                      všichni    1
48                         yeah    1
49                          yes    3
50                  Yourchances    1

ML2.S2$ross.s2.1_1_TEXT <- as.numeric(ross2)

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Ross.1 and Ross.2 percentages as text."))

7.2 Exclusion: Errors in Zaval unscrambled sentences.

7.2.1 Explanation

For the Zaval et al. (2014) replication study errors in the sentence unscrambling taks indicate a failure to prime the participant. Performance on the task has been coded for each language and all the unique responses are available here: GoogleSheet.

The coding scheme:

  • 0 = incorrect response, gibberish, blank, omits priming concept (if a priming trial), or left all the words in in the same order (copy/pasting)
  • 1 = correct response (meaningful sentence using four of the five words, containing the priming word if a priming trial), tolerant of misspelling/typos
  • 2 = incorrect response (wrong number of words, sentence grammatically incorrect, incomplete, not a full thought, etc.) that probably still primes the concept (if a priming trial, contains the priming word or a similar word). If not a priming trial, this is just a more relaxed standard for a “correct” response. The one exception is if it contains all the words from the task in the same order (in which case it would be marked 0, because that indicates copy/pasting).

7.2.2 Implementation

Function get.zavCode() will check wether the answer is correct for each sentence. The googlesheet serves as a lookup table for each participant. Only participants with correct responses (code = 1) will be entered in the primary analyses.

The following variables will be added to the dataset ML2.S2:

  • zav.code - Contains codes for the 13 sentences.
  • zav.include.strict - Indicator variable for cases with code = 1 for all 13 sentences.
  • zav.include.primed - Indicator variable for cases with with code > 0 for all 13 sentences.

Here is an example of the variables that were added:

ML2.S2[5,c('zav2.1', 'zav2.10')]
  zav2.1 zav2.10
5    208     246

ML2.S2[5,c('zav.code1', 'zav.code10')]
  zav.code1 zav.code10
5         1          1

  zav.include.strict zav.include.primed
5               TRUE               TRUE

7.3 Exclusion: Copy less than half of article Zhong.

7.3.1 Explanation

For the Zong et al. study participants who copy less than half of the target article need to be excluded from the analyses.

7.3.2 Implementation

Add variable nCopied, a count of the characters that were copied (spaces and punctuation removed).

ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon1 <- nchar(gsub("[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]","",ML2.S2$zhon1.1))
ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon2 <- nchar(gsub("[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]","",ML2.S2$zhon2.1))

Add a variable nCharText containing the number of characters in the target text. The target texts for each language are available in a Google spreadsheet.

# A tibble: 12 x 3
   language              nCharText.zhon2 nCharText.zhon1
   <chr>                           <int>           <int>
 1 English                           547             573
 2 Turkish                           573             592
 3 Chinese (traditional)             177             186
 4 Spanish                           629             671
 5 Chinese (simplified)              170             183
 6 Serbian                           581             605
 7 Polish                            541             541
 8 Italian                           682             713
 9 German                            646             665
10 French                            593             635
11 Dutch                             607             649
12 Czech                             556             564

# Add the number of characters for each language.
vars <- ldply(seq_along(ML2.S2[,1]), function(l) data.frame(chartable[ML2.S2$Language[l]==chartable$language, c("nCharText.zhon2","nCharText.zhon1")]))
ML2.S2 <- cbind(ML2.S2, vars)

If nCopied is smaller than half of the characters in the target text (nCharText * .5), the case will be excluded in the analyses of this study by setting the relevant variables to NA.

# Unethical text
ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon1[(ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon1 < (ML2.S2$nCharText.zhon1*.5))] <- NA
ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon1[ML2.S2$source=="bogota"] <- NA
# Ethical text
ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon2[(ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon2 < (ML2.S2$nCharText.zhon2*.5))] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Zhong less than half copied to NA."))

#cbind((ML2.S2$nCopied.zhon1 < (ML2.S2$nCharText.zhon1*.5)),!is.na(ML2.S2$zhon1.1))

7.4 Conversion Critcher Pencil & Paper.

7.4.1 Explanation

A small subset of participants in the Critcher used paper and pencil. These have been recorded as TEXT fields which need to be converted to numbers and copied to the appropriate variables.

7.4.2 Implementation

# Get the ids
id1 <- which((ML2.S1$Pencil=="Yes, participants completed the Critcher task on pencil and paper") & !is.na(ML2.S1$crit1.1_1_TEXT))
id2 <- which((ML2.S1$Pencil=="Yes, participants completed the Critcher task on pencil and paper") & !is.na(ML2.S1$crit2.1_1_TEXT))

# Convert to numbers
c1 <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:punct:]]|[[:space:]]","",ML2.S1$crit1.1_1_TEXT[id1]))
c2 <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:punct:]]|[[:space:]]","",ML2.S1$crit2.1_1_TEXT[id2]))

# Copy
ML2.S1$crit1.1[id1] <- c1
ML2.S1$crit2.1[id2] <- c2

8 Exclusion: Ages < 18.

8.1 Explanation

For some sites a value of age < 18 must be considered invalid.

8.2 Implementation

Remove cases for those sites

excludeAge <- c(

ML2.S1 <- ML2.S1 %>% filter(!(source%in%excludeAge & age<18))
ML2.S2 <- ML2.S2 %>% filter(!(source%in%excludeAge & age<18))

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude age < 18."))

9 Changes due to code review and exploratory graphical and statistical data inspection.

The changes below were deemed necessary after review of the R code and/or exploratory data visualisation of the preliminary analyses. For example, after plotting the effect sizes for each study and source, a source producing an effectsize of the same magnitude, but with opposite sign as every other source in the sample, would be checked for coding errors.

9.1 Exclusion: French language Hsee study.

  • Exclude participants from source = “ML2_Slate2_French_Inlab_DEPLOY__france_pascal_r.csv" and “ML2_Slate2_French_Inlab_DEPLOY__Belgium_r.csv"

9.1.1 Explanation

All participants from the two files viewed the “coat” condition (e.g. hsee2.1) regardless of which version they were assigned by the script.

9.1.2 Implementation

idRows <- which((ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_French_Inlab_DEPLOY__france_pascal_r.csv") | (ML2.S2$.id == "ML2_Slate2_French_Inlab_DEPLOY__Belgium_r.csv"))
idCols <- which(grepl("hsee", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude French cases from Hsee."))

9.2 Change German variable coding of gray

Affected files:

  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_germany__Revised_Version_2_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_germany__Revised_Version_2_-_munichon_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_practikum_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teame_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_r

9.2.1 Explanation

All German-language versions flipped the pictures of the Gray et al. study, so the conditions are exactly opposite. The data from gray1.1, gray1.1t, gray1.2, gray1.3, gray1.4 have to be switched to gray2.1, gray2.1t, etc. for all Slate 2 sites where language = German.

9.2.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "German"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("gray1.", colnames(ML2.S2)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("gray2.", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idCols1)==8, length(idCols2)==8)){
    swap1 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1]
    swap2 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2]
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change German coding of Gray."))

9.3 Change German variable coding of Risen

Affected files:

  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_germany__Revised_Version_2_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_germany__Revised_Version_2_-_munichon_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_practikum_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teame_r
  • Slate_2_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_r

9.3.1 Explanation

All German-language versions swapped the names of variables Rise1 and Rise2. All sites where language = German are affected.

9.3.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "German"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("rise1", colnames(ML2.S2)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("rise2", colnames(ML2.S2)))

swap1 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1]
swap2 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2]
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change German coding of Risen."))

9.4 Exclude Dutch sites from Bauer and Kay studies

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_-_netherlands_tilburgcomm_r
  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_-_netherlands_r
  • ML2_Slate1_Dutch_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_-_belgium_r

9.4.1 Explanation

Participants in these translations were all displayed text intended for Kay1, even when they were in the Kay2 condition. The Bauer translation had an error where one mention of “consumer” remained in the “individual” priming condition.

9.4.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S1$Language == "Dutch"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("bau", colnames(ML2.S1)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("kay", colnames(ML2.S1)))

ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1] <- NA
ML2.S1[idRows, idCols2] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Dutch sources from Bauer and Kay."))

9.5 Change Spanish variable coding of Gati

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_Spanish-Spain_UNED_r_manually_recode_rosss21
  • ML2_Slate2_Spanish-Chile_In-lab_r_manually_recode_rosss21
  • ML2_Slate2_Spanish-Colombia_r_manually_recode_rosss21
  • ML2_Slate2_Spanish-Costa_Rica_r_manually_recode_rosss21

9.5.1 Explanation

The naming of variables was reversed for just the Gati-similarity condition. The study was administered correctly but the variables were named the opposite (this does not affect the Gati-differences condition).

9.5.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language%in%"Spanish"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("(gati1s)+", colnames(ML2.S2)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("(gati2s)+", colnames(ML2.S2)))

swap1 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1]
swap2 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2]
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change Spanish coding of Gati"))

9.6 Change Spanish variable coding of Tversky

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_SpanishChile_Inlab_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv
  • ML2_Slate2_SpanishColombia_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv
  • ML2_Slate2_SpanishCosta_Rica_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv
  • ML2_Slate2_SpanishSpain_UNED_r_manually_recode_rosss21.csv

9.6.1 Explanation

The naming of variables was reversed (e.g., tver1.1 should be tver2.1, and tver2.1 should be tver1.1). The study was administered correctly but the variables were named the opposite.

9.6.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "Spanish"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("tver1.1", colnames(ML2.S2)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("tver2.1", colnames(ML2.S2)))

swap1 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1]
swap2 <- ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2]
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change Spanish coding of Tversky"))

9.7 Delete Polish variable hometown

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_Polish_r

9.7.1 Explanation

Due to a copy/paste error, this item did not ask about hometown, but rather asked the participant where their secondary caregiver was born (which is the item displayed directly before the “hometown” item). So, we don’t have actual “hometown” city data for this sample. However, this does not affect any study included in this slate, so does not require any study exclusions.

9.7.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "Polish"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("hometown", colnames(ML2.S2)))

ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Polish hometown"))

9.8 Exclude Serbian source from van Lange

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_Serbian_in-lab_r
  • ML2_Slate2_Serbian_online_r

9.8.1 Explanation

The first item was supposed to ask about OLDER siblings, but the word OLDER was omitted. Thus, this item simply asked for the total number of siblings.

9.8.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "Serbian"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("van.p2.1_1_TEXT", colnames(ML2.S2)))

ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Serbian sources from vanLange"))

9.9 Exclusion: Indian Tversky study.

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_IndiaEng_Inlab_DEPLOY__isb_r.csv
  • ML2_Slate2_IndiaEng_MTurk_r.csv
  • ML2_Slate2_IndiaEng_Inlab_DEPLOY__Amity_r.csv

9.9.1 Explanation

The Indian source files from the Tversky framing analysis have to be excluded from analyses because dollar amounts weren’t converted consistently (the discount amount differs by condition when it should be the same)

9.9.2 Implementation

idRows <- which(ML2.S2$.id %in% c("ML2_Slate2_IndiaEng_Inlab_DEPLOY__isb_r.csv",
idCols <- which(grepl("tver", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Indian samples from Tversky"))

9.10 Exclusion: Italian Shafir study

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_Italian_r.csv

9.10.1 Explanation

A copy/paste error in implementation meant both conditions saw the “award” wording condition.

9.10.2 Implementation

idRows <- which(ML2.S2$.id %in% c("ML2_Slate2_Italian_r.csv"))
idCols <- which(grepl("shaf", colnames(ML2.S2)))

if(all(length(idRows)>0, length(idCols>0))){
    reNA <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(idRows), ncol = length(idCols))
    ML2.S2[idRows, idCols] <- reNA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Italian samples from Shafir"))

9.11 Exclude Italian source from Norenzayan

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate2_Italian_r

9.11.1 Explanation

Nore1.3 and Nore2.3 erroneously displayed the image intended for nore1.4 and nore2.4. Therefore participants were responding to a duplicate and incorrect item.

9.11.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S2$Language == "Italian"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("nore1.3", colnames(ML2.S2)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("nore2.3", colnames(ML2.S2)))

ML2.S2[idRows, idCols1] <- NA
ML2.S2[idRows, idCols2] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Italian source from Norenzayan"))

9.12 Exclude Swedish source from Kay

Affected files:

  • ML2_Slate1_Swedish_execution_illegal_r

9.12.1 Explanation

The lower scale point for kay2.4 is mislabeled. It should read “Inte glad alls” (not happy at all) but instead it is translated as (not interested at all)

9.12.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S1$Language == "Swedish"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("kay2.4", colnames(ML2.S1)))

ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1] <- NA

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Exclude Swedish source from Kay"))

9.13 Change German variable coding of Anderson

Affected files:

  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teamb_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teamc_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_fady_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_germany_Revised_Version_2_-_potsdam_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text

9.13.1 Explanation

Anderson study was correctly administered but the variable names (and1 and and2) were reversed.

9.13.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S1$Language == "German"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("and1", colnames(ML2.S1)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("and2", colnames(ML2.S1)))

swap1 <- ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1]
swap2 <- ML2.S1[idRows, idCols2]
ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
ML2.S1[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change German coding of Anderson"))

9.14 Change German variable coding of Bauer

Affected files:

  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teamb_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_-_Kopieren_teamc_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_fady_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_-_Austria_Revised_Version_2_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text
  • Slate_1_Deutsch_germany_Revised_Version_2_-_potsdam_r_manuallyrecode_vanp21_text

9.14.1 Explanation

Bauer study was administered correctly but the variable names were reversed. Variables currently beginning “bau1.” need changed to “bau2.”, and variables currently beginning “bau2.” need changed to “bau1.”.

9.14.2 Implementation

idRows  <- which((ML2.S1$Language == "German"))
idCols1 <- which(grepl("bau1", colnames(ML2.S1)))
idCols2 <- which(grepl("bau2", colnames(ML2.S1)))

swap1 <- ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1]
swap2 <- ML2.S1[idRows, idCols2]
ML2.S1[idRows, idCols1] <- swap2
ML2.S1[idRows, idCols2] <- swap1

nrule <- nrule+1
CaseCount(paste0(nrule,". Change German coding of Bauer"))

10 Other notes about typos or corrections

Changes to the script that were deemed minor enough to NOT warrant exclusion (so, no changes were made in the analysis due to the below notes)

10.1 Sample: Chinese dates in miyamoto study

Source variables: zhejiang, zhejiangcomp, hunancomp, henancomp, henan, from file ML2_Slate1_Chinese_Mainland_execution_legal_DEPLOY_r

10.1.1 Note:

Miyamoto study: Changed the name from “小平” to “晓平” on Oct 22, 2014 to be consistent with author’s suggestion. Deemed minor enough to use all data (note: the vast majority of participants were run before the change was made) but if we notice differences between this site and the other Chinese samples on this study, this could be why. Also made a small wording adjustment from “这议” to “这个议” on that date.

10.2 Sample: Source purkyne, variable kay2.5

From file ML2_Slate1_Czech_execution_illegal_r.csv

10.2.1 Note:

kay2.5: The “2” is repeated on this scale erroneously (1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7). Does not merit exclusion from Kay altogether, unless we see big differences between this site and similar sites. (affected N = ~143, source = purkyne)

10.3 Sample: Country references, UK

From file ML2_Slate1_Inlab_execution_illegal_DEPLOY_UK_r.csv

10.3.1 Note:

Country references were updated on Oct. 5, 2014 to be consistent with the other samples. Affects ~21/142 participants from this site.

10.4 Sample: Hong-Kong changed translation of studies and demographics

From file ML2_Slate1_Chinese_Inlab_execution_illegal_DEPLOY__Hong_Kong_r_For_Andrew_Tang

10.4.1 Note:

Local site lead requested minor wording changes from “ML2 Slate1 Chinese In-lab (execution illegal) DEPLOY - Hong Kong” survey used in another Chinese location. Wording changes in the translation were made to the following studies: Miyamoto (Miya1.1 and Miya2.1), Hauser (haus2.1), Cirtcher (Crit1.1, crit2.1), Alter (alt1.8, alt2.8), and demographics (IMC1, born.par)

11 Case counts for each step

Below is a list of the impact of each filter step on the number of cases (.N), on the unique number of source labels (.Nsrc) and on the relative change in NA values expressed as a percentage (.NApct).

exclusionRule S1.N S2.N TOT.N S1.Nsrc S2.Nsrc TOT.Nsrc S1.NApct S2.NApct
1. Merged complete cases (Finished == 1) 7884 8822 16706 92 66 145 Inf Inf
2. Removed test and -99 7678 8687 16365 91 66 144 -3.207 -1.68
3.1 Cleaned Source labels (first) 7678 8687 16365 76 60 76 0 0
3. Cleaned Source labels (second) 7678 8687 16365 77 62 125 -0.007 -0.03
4. Add site variables 7678 8687 16365 77 62 125 0.124 0.249
5. rio 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 -0.208 0
6. Chinese date 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 0.233 0
7. Dutch date - Hsee 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 0 0.003
8.. Uruguay date - Huan 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 0.006 0
9. French date - Huan 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 0.013 0
10. Filter mturk doubles 7663 8687 16350 76 62 124 0 0
11.Filter mturk_india doubles 7425 8425 15850 76 62 124 -3.07 -3
12. Exclude Polish cases from Zhong 7425 8425 15850 76 62 124 0 0.123
13. IDs 7425 8425 15850 76 62 124 0 0
14. eindhoventab 7425 8425 15850 76 62 124 0 0
15. occidtab 7425 8425 15850 76 62 124 0 0
16. Small N 7421 8425 15846 75 62 123 -0.055 0
17. Remove empty source labels 7298 8353 15651 74 61 122 -2.128 -0.935
18. van.Lange.1 numbers as text. 7298 8353 15651 74 61 122 0.011 0
19. Ross.1 and Ross.2 percentages as text. 7298 8353 15651 74 61 122 0.003 0.005
20. Zhong less than half copied to NA. 7298 8353 15651 74 61 122 0 0.366
21. Exclude age < 18. 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 -0.587 -3.854
22. Exclude French cases from Hsee. 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0.039
23. Change German coding of Gray. 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
24. Change German coding of Risen. 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
25. Exclude Dutch sources from Bauer and Kay. 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 1.564 0
26. Change Spanish coding of Gati 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
27. Change Spanish coding of Tversky 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
28. Exclude Polish hometown 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0.006
29. Exclude Serbian sources from vanLange 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
30. Exclude Indian samples from Tversky 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0.186
31. Exclude Italian samples from Shafir 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0.011
32. Exclude Italian source from Norenzayan 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0.011
33. Exclude Swedish source from Kay 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0.003 0
34. Change German coding of Anderson 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0
35. Change German coding of Bauer 7263 8042 15305 74 61 122 0 0

Graphs of N per source label.

# Some info
sourceN1 <- as.data.frame(table(ML2.S1$source))
sourceN2 <- as.data.frame(table(ML2.S2$source))

S1fr <- data.frame(ftable(ML2.S1$source))
S1fr <- S1fr[order(S1fr$Freq), ]
dotplot(reorder(S1fr$Var1,S1fr$Freq) ~ Freq, 
        scales = list(x = list(log = 10,at = c(10,50,100,500), limits = c(10,750))), 
        data = S1fr,
        panel = function (x, y) {
                  panel.dotplot(x,y, cex=1.3, lwd=1.5)
                  panel.abline(v = log10(80), col = "gray", lwd = 2)

S2fr <- data.frame(ftable(ML2.S2$source))
S2fr <- S2fr[order(S2fr$Freq), ]
dotplot(reorder(S2fr$Var1,S2fr$Freq) ~ Freq, 
        scales = list(x = list(log = 10,at = c(10,50,100,500), limits = c(10,750))), 
        data = S2fr,
        panel = function (x, y) {
                  panel.dotplot(x,y, cex=1.3, lwd=1.5)
                  panel.abline(v = log10(80), col = "gray", lwd = 2)